
Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

List of 12 frequently asked questions.

  • Q. When should I complete my application for pre-school?

    Preschool parents have until December 1st to submit an application. However, the earlier we receive an application, the sooner we can get started with the interview and evaluation process.
  • Q. We don’t speak French at home in our family; can we still apply?

    Of course! We welcome non-French speaking families to the Lycée. Please keep in mind that it is a commitment -- and investment of time -- for families who do not speak French at home to choose our bilingual program. Part of that is a willingness to expose children to the French language and French-speaking cultures outside of classroom hours. Through our Cultural Center and after-school programs, we offer many opportunities for children to speak French after regular school hours. Our experience is that this commitment yields profound rewards for students and parents alike!
  • Q. What language do children speak among themselves?

    One of the great joys at the Lycée Français de New York is experiencing how French and English are spoken and “mixed” among our students across all the grade levels. Generally speaking, in the lower levels, the children speak the language they, or their friends, are most comfortable in. In the upper levels, English tends to be spoken more between students outside of class. Vive la difference!
  • Q. Are all the teachers from France?

    Our students are fortunate to experience learning from an authentically French and American perspective at the Lycée. Our French-speaking teachers are educated in France and carefully recruited to teach here. And we’re proud that our English-speaking faculty members are among the top teachers of any private school in New York City. Language is no barrier to teaching excellence.
  • Q. How many countries are represented in the Lycée community? Is it only for French nationals?

    With 1235 students coming from more than 50 countries, we absolutely revel in our diversity. We welcome French, French-American, American, as well as many New York-based international families into the school, who share a passion and openness to the world.

    The Lycée combines the curricula of both the French Ministry of Education and classic New York City private schools, making it a great option for families who are looking for the rigor and depth of a French education with the personal support and care often associated with New York private schools.
  • Q. I am concerned about tuition. What level of financial assistance does the Lycée provide to families?

    All families are encouraged to consider an education at the Lycée Français de New York, regardless of their financial situation. Wherever possible, we are committed to providing scholarships to families who need it. Lycée's financial aid, which is financed by the school's endowment fund and donations, amounted to $4.5 million for the year 2019-2020. French nationals may also be eligible for French government financial assistance.
  • Q. How international is the community of the Lycée?

    Lycée students, faculty, staff and families come from many different origins. About one-third of our students are French nationals and another third are American, but we welcome students from more than 50 different countries around the world, including China, Japan, Lebanon, Nigeria, Tunisia, Turkey, Switzerland, Canada and Colombia, among many more.
  • Q. Do you give priority to early applicants?

    Admission decisions do not depend on how early applications are submitted. Specifically, the admissions process includes a review of child evaluations, parent interviews, any existing school records and other factors that help us make sure all admitted students will thrive in our rigorous, bilingual learning environment.
  • Q. What is your cut-off date for pre-school?

    Students entering Nursery must be 3 years old by the first day of schhol.
    In Pre-K, children have to be 4 years old by December 31 of the year they are applying for.

  • Q. I have four children, do I get a discount?

    We do not offer discounts to large families. However, we encourage parents to apply for financial aid. For more information on financial aid, please visit Tuition and Financial Aid.
  • Q. Do you give priority to French nationals?

    We welcome many French families into the school, but we give equal consideration to all families, including non-French speaking ones. Given the level of French needed to thrive in the elementary school and higher, we do ask all families to make a commitment to expose their children to the French language and culture outside the classroom. The Lycée offers many opportunities to do this through the activities of the Cultural Center and summer programs.
  • Q. Could you explain how bilingualism works at the Lycée?

    The Lycée offers both a bilingual and bicultural curriculum. French and English are the languages of learning at the Lycée. The Lycée is accredited by both the French Ministry of Education and the New York State Association of Independent Schools (NYSAIS), and therefore our program is an authentic mix of both the curriculum of French government taught by French nationals, and one you'd find in any private school in New York City. Our students are prepared for the renowned French Baccalaureate exams, as well as American college preparatory classes and tests like the SAT and AP exams.

    In preschool, students are taught by a teaching team of French- and English-speaking teachers, with 50% of their classroom time in French and 50% in English. As English surrounds children outside the classroom, in Primary School, the percentage of French increases to 80%, with 20% in English. When the students enter Sixth Grade, the percentage of English increases to anywhere for 30% to 40%, depending on the child's area of interest and where she or he will likely attend college and university.

    All Lycée students are remarkably bilingual and bicultural, with an extraordinary ability to move seamlessly between the two core languages and cultures of the school--a special preparation for college life and beyond to be sure!

Sign up for one of our upcoming Open House sessions!

These online gatherings offer an opportunity to meet our admissions team, school leaders, teachers, parents and students, for a conversation about what makes a bilingual education at the Lycée Français de New York so special.
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