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Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging activities for parents are led by the Lycée's parents association (APL) in close collaboration with the school's leadership team and DEI Core Committee. With parents coming from many different countries and backgrounds, DEI is in some cases a new topic for many of our families. The APL works carefully and intentionally to help build understanding of the school's deepening efforts.

List of 3 items.

  • Affinity Spaces

    Affinity groups provide spaces where individuals who have been historically underrepresented at the Lycée can meet with other members of the same group to celebrate their shared identities, share their experiences, and find mutual support. Affinity spaces have the ultimate goal of providing a forum for parents across all identities to share and learn from one another. Parent affinity groups often mirror activities of student-led affinity & alliance groups with cultural and historical celebrations. Lycée parent affinity groups are: Asian Parent Affinity Group, Black Parents at Lycée, LGBTQ+ Parents, Jewish Parent Affinity Group, Learning Differences Parent Affinity Group, Muslim Parent Affinity Group, Persian Parent Affinity Group.
  • DEIB Parent Committee

    This parent committee coordinates with the APL Executive Committee and the DEIB Department on topics including equitable experiences for families, communication, diversity in curriculum, and DEIB events for our community. 
    The DEIB Parent Committee is a formal working group that meets regularly during the school year. 
  • Conferences, workshops, film screenings

    In order to deepen parent cross-cultural understanding of DEIB-related topics, regular workshops and sessions take place throughout the school year with our partners. Events are held in French and in English throughout the year, often in conjunction with our DEIB Parent Committee and the APL (Association des parents d’élèves du Lycée).
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