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Citizens of Culture and Courage

Committed to bilingual French and American education of the highest standard, our mission is to prepare students of many origins to be thinkers, innovators and leaders, at home in the world.

We inspire and encourage each student to excel and seek academic and personal challenge, to discover interests and fulfill talents, to embrace diversity and build community, to uphold integrity and contribute to making a difference.

Lycée at a Glance

List of 5 items.

  • 60

  • 34

    Languages Spoken
  • 151

    Colleges & Universities Globally
  • 68

    After School Programs
  • 43

    Competitive Sports Teams

List of 3 events.

Creativity through Culture

Understanding and embracing culture lies at the heart of our educational mission. An openness to culture, and cultures, gives our students many experiences to draw on as they develop their own creativity across many fields of study--from the arts, literature and the humanities to science, technology, engineering and math.

Is a Bilingual Program right for your child?

Our bilingual Preschool Program welcomes students in a caring and creative classroom environment that balances play, skill-building, art, movement and more in French and in English every day.
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